
Motion-Minded Design


Sam in the 1970's - Photo: Thorsten Horton
Sam in 2017

The workbench has only gotten messier...

But the work gets better and better! Sam Clark Design grew out of Sam’s prior work with New Hamburger Cabinetworks in the 1970’s, Breslaw, Clark, and Duberstein in the 80’s, and Iron Bridge Woodworkers in the 90’s. SCD has been in business in Barre, VT, for over 13 years.

Who we are

Sam Clark


(802) 522-7715

I’ve been a builder since about 1970, sometimes in the Boston area, and now back here in Plainfield, Vermont. I’ve designed and worked on all sorts of renovations, and numerous new houses. Since about 1980 I’ve been particularly interested in ergonomics and accessibility, which we now try to incorporate in our work when we can.

I got interested in kitchen design partly through my interest in ergonomics, but also because I didn’t really like the standard expensive and often over-blown kitchens being promoted and built. I thought we could develop a better, simpler, more functional way of thinking about kitchen design. That’s what we’ve been working on through these years. The various photos you see on this site and its gallery show some of what we’ve learned so far.

I’ve written several books exploring these issues and currently am working on a novel, called The Inland Sea.

Todd Krumperman


(802) 371-7797

At a young age I recall spending time during the summer at job sites with my grandfather in Pennsylvania. I spent hours in his woodshop immersing my self in the world of woodworking by playing with the sawdust. I kept myself busy by hammering hundreds of nails into scraps of wood laying around the shop. At this point I knew I wanted to maintain a connection to woodworking in some way.

As I grew up, I spent a summer with Native Americans in Ohio where I witnessed and learned the art of carving. This was a very powerful experience for me. I learned there is more to this work than just cutting wood — it is about making a  connection to the wood.

From there I moved to Vermont where I started to work for a large company in southern Vermont. This was a also a key learning point of my life. I worked with a sizeable crew building custom homes. During this time I also studied at Yestermorrow.

As years passed, I realized I wanted to have a more thoughtful relationship to my woodwork. After building my own home I was drawn to Sam Clark Design because I could tell the the model was very well thought out for function while maintaining a unique and artful design.

Steve Grunewald


(509) 432-4543

My love for woodworking began with my carpentry work in the vibrant and historic homes and neighborhoods of New Orleans in the late 2000’s. I learned to look for the artful and competent work that surrounded me, to see how it created elegance and utility in even simple structures. In 2011, I completed a millwork apprenticeship through the Prince’s Foundation Building Arts Program in New Orleans. Later, I moved to Vermont to attend the Vermont Woodworking School’s immersion program in furniture-making and design.

I met Sam in 2014. I was immediately drawn to the ethos of his company, which builds for function first. Sam has taught me to look for the practical ways that we can make a space more useful and comfortable. I’ve learned to ask: how will this space be used, and how can we make it easy to use? I’ve learned to look for resourceful solutions as opportunity within every design problem.

I am continually tuned toward the practical and aesthetic facets of my craft, learning always to look more closely. I gain ever more respect for the good work I see around me, and more knowledge to bring to the work I create.