Sam Clark Design


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Researchers looked at the number of motions involved in each task, how 

          difficult these motions were, and at how to simplify work processes. 

          Here, the chopping knives are stored in a slot at the back of the counter, 

          where the user can grab them with the same grip required for use - one 


Researchers looked at the number of motions involved in each task, how difficult these motions were, and at how to simplify work processes. Here, the chopping knives are stored in a slot at the back of the counter, where the user can grab them with the same grip required for use - one motion.


A Design Philosophy (cont'd)

:: Simplicity
I like simple kitchens. Many modern kitchens are bigger than needed, as if sheer acreage made a kitchen better. Often a compact kitchen, with everything very well organized and positioned, works better than a huge kitchen, simply because everything is to hand. When you need something, it's right there. Most basic cooking tasks can be done in comfort with just one or two steps this way and that, and often without reaching high up, or stooping low to peer into dark base cabinets.

I like cabinetry which is visually simple. Many modern cabinets are cluttered with a lot of unnecessary detail. One or two fancy cabinets can be fun, but walls of identical ones can be a bit much. I go more for simple, often relatively light, well-composed cabinets, hopefully located in a beautiful, light room. I think such cabinets, in a good space, perhaps with a little wall space left for a picture or two, make for a more pleasant work setting, a more pleasant place to be with other people.

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We work closely with families to find the cabinetry that works for them.  This scheme has a conventional layout to the left, and this "sub-kitchen" for a disabled daughter.

We work closely with families to find the cabinetry that works for them.  This scheme has a conventional layout to the left, and this "sub-kitchen" for a disabled daughter.

Simple ash and cherry post style cabinets.

Simple ash and cherry post style cabinets.

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